Friday, November 14, 2008

Do Not Feed the Bears

As Yogi and schemed up a plethora of ideas to steal food from people who are just trying to enjoy a break from life, I think the Ranger Smith should have maybe just shot him. Nothing else seemed to work, so why not?

Maybe somebody spent many month's worth of wages on a vacation to Jelloystone Park, worked tirelessly to have a great feast in nature, convinced the ex to bring the kids out and enjoy one last family get-together. But right when things seemed to be going well, a goofus in a neck-tie and hat swings down and lifts that food right from the table. What if that was the only food they had for that day and the children had to go hungry? What if a marriage split because it magnified a weakness in one of the people? I can see a crushed soul on a rock, his head flopped into his hands as he wails, "I can't even plan a picnic for my family that I love with all my heart. I'm a failure and don't want to live."

And yet, Ranger Smith never managed to end this menace to society. Furthermore, nobody seemed to acknowledge the negative repercussions of the show. It taught people that it was acceptable to be conniving, rude, and selfish when it came to satisfying your own personal desires. People wander about taking whatever they like if they feel like they could used and blow off the consequences. You could have ruined somebodies life. Don't you care? Huh?

So cruel...

Hanna-Barbera, you've no idea what you've done!

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