Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Movies and How I Miss Them

Over the last three years, my theater attendance has skyrocketed. At least twice a month (and often more frequently) I would be sitting back in a comfy seat, as close to the middle of the theater as possible, soaking up the movie magic (often to gripe about it later).

I haven't seen anything since Watchmen (unless you count the second viewing of Coraline) which makes it about 7 weeks since I've seen something in theaters. It's weird that I care. I love movies (eventually want to get a master's in something related to lit through film), but I can't think of a time that I cared so much about not seeing them.

It probably boils down to reputation. When I started teaching, I started seeing more films. Soon thereafter, I became known as the movie guy among my students and fellow teachers. Even though there are not a lot of things worth seeing right now, I feel like I'm slipping on my duty to preview so much of what is going on in the film world.

With X-Men Origins coming out this weekend and the summer season soon thereafter, I expect (if not demand) that I plug back in to the culture stream of Hollywood craziness.

Stupid Settlers. Ripping me away from my movies...

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